April 10, 2018

The bigger the base, the taller the peak

Ive been really dedicated to powerlifting training. I haven't missed a workout in months. I even trained this weekend in Durango Colorado when my family and I went out of town for the weekend. But I haven't been gaining strength recently. It's because I've been at a calories defacit for the last 6 months. I'm trying to lose weight and get into a lower weight class. Most coaches would just lay blame on the calorie defacit and continue sending the same training plan. Not my coach. He's trying different things just about every training plan. Trying to see what he can do to get my strength up while also losing fat. This training block he's decreasing intensity and increasing volume. I had a triathlon coach back in the day who tried this with me and we got great results. I gained a tremendous amount of speed and endurance. I realize triathlon training and Powerlifting are just about as different as humanly possible. But it's important to build a base regardless of the sport. There's an old saying, "the bigger the base, the taller the peak.". I think that's precisely what my coach is attempting to do. Build a bigger base. As usual, I really love my powerlifting coach. Here's awesome.

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