April 13, 2009

I can always count on family

My wife's Aunt & Uncle bought our kids a rabbit for Easter. The rabbit arrived in very very small bird cage. Definitely not something large enough to be comfortable. So now I get to spend the day buying $80 worth of supplies (which we can't afford right now) & building a rabbit cage (which I don't have time to build). Ah, gotta love family. This is the cage I'm going to try & build.


Mel-2nd Chances said...

lol. have fun!

Anonymous said...

Cody, this is Mark...Cute rabbit, they are delicious...

SgtBeesWife said...

Aye,yai,yai! Get in touch with Travis. He used to have his own rabbit business when he was a kid. he can give you pointers. We got parakeets from Uncle Ralph (Travis' brother) and we still have one clinging to life. I SO enjoy live pet gifts without consultation. They're precious. ::Grits teeth::